Northern New South Wales copped it again.
Poor buggers. Where we are it was just an inconvenience and a few ceiling leaks. Some people had already lost everything and then were flooded again. .
If you want to donate the government authorities recommend doing so through GIVIT. They’ll probably take their cut in tax like the gangsters they are, but some might get through.
The globalist media is using the disaster for propaganda, of course.
It’s up to government to save us all by ending industrial capitalism and replacing it with a technocratic dystopia run by neo-Marxist elites in which you will own nothing and be happy about it or it’s off to the camps, bigot.
If you don’t agree with this agenda it’s just because you’re not smart enough.
For years, many normal people have responded to this weather Lysenkoism by denying that climate change is occurring. The elites call those people ‘science deniers’ and ‘climate deniers’.
Unfortunately for those people, it was the wrong strategy.
It turns out the climate is changing.
It’s not getting hotter, though. It’s getting colder. And weirder. Heaps weirder.
I’m not a scientist. My training was in history, before the postmodernists destroyed that discipline and turned it into a vehicle for identity Marxism.
The communists worked hard to destroy history education in schools and universities, and it’s no wonder why. The briefest investigation into climate history shows clearly that what we’re experiencing has happened many times before, and that every time it has the elites in charge have ended up getting cancelled in a violent and gruesome fashion.
So let’s walk through time together, friend, and see what we can scry about our immediate future by surveying our distant past. There are going to be lots of links in this one, mainly to open source normie articles. Those are just there for the globalist history-deniers who still think you putting petrol in your car is killing koalas.
Let’s go.
The earliest recorded human settlements formed in a band along river valleys between Egypt, the Middle East, northern India and inland China about 11000 years ago.
The formation of these earliest recorded settlements was after a profoundly cold and dry period known as the Younger Dryas.
There is a compelling theory out there that says that this Younger Dryas cold event, which was very sudden and would have been quite catastrophic, was caused by a cyclical magnetic excursion of the Earth’s poles along with a recurrent comet field impact that occurs about every 12000 years.
As I said, I’m not a scientist. I can’t say.
If you’re into that type of thing, Joe Rogan has done interviews about it a couple of times.
That first wave of human settlements left remains like those at Gobleki Tepe, Jericho and Merhgarh in modern Pakistan. We refer to the period as the Late Neolithic, and it’s when humans are first recorded to have figured out farming, building houses and in China, even pottery.
This is the beginning of our current epoch, the Holocene. It’s a generally warm period, and so it’s no surprise that all the recorded civilisations of human history have occurred during it.
We’re going to see a pattern as we move through the history of the climate cycle. When it’s warm and humid, societies expand and flourish. When it turns cold and dry, and that usually happens quite suddenly, societies come under stress. Nomadic peoples tend to migrate and attack civilised peoples or settle along rivers, and civilised peoples tend to raid the palace and burn the place to the ground.
Human societies need warmth in order to remain stable and thrive. Turn down the thermostat and things fall apart; the more complex the society, the more likely is total collapse as its fragile supply chains fail and political structures implode.
One of these cyclical downturns in climate happened 8200 years ago. It caused the climate to become much more arid, and is likely what first stimulated humans in the Middle East to begin building irrigation.
It happened again nearly 6000 years ago, and was when the first cities appeared. Out of the stress of regional climate change, civilisation was born.
A bit over 4000 years ago, a severe bout of cooling and drying ended the Old Kingdom Period in Egypt and caused the collapse of the first recorded empire, the Akkadian, in Mesopotamia.
Another climatic drying across the Middle East and the Mediterranean about 3200 years ago caused the Bronze Age collapse. After an obligatory dark age, things warmed up again for the Roman Warm Period between 250 BC and 400 AD.
Then it turned cold again. The Migration Period is when barbarians like our Anglo-Saxon ancestors raided the Roman world, ultimately leading to the fall of Rome officially in 476 AD.
I think even the most ardent, brainwashed history-denier would have to acknowledge the pattern. It’s not global warming that anyone should fear. It’s global cooling.
The crisis of the fifth century AD in the Roman world only got worse in the century following. The Byzantine invasion of Italy in 535 AD finished off the last remnants of classical Roman culture, coinciding with what historians consider to be the worst year to be alive ever in 536 followed by a plague the decade after.
None of these catastrophes has anything to do with carbon. No soccer mums were driving SUV’s in the sixth century.
Whatever could have caused them then?
Wow, who’d have thought it?
It is the solar energy output cycle that drives the climatic cycle of Earth.
What about the volcanic eruptions, though, which correspond to and amplify these periods of sudden cooling?
Turns out that’s the sun, too. It’s well established that the decline in solar energy causes the Earth’s magnetic field to weaken. In 2011, a team of Japanese researchers demonstrated that increased cosmic rays are what cause the cycle of high-VEI volcanic eruptions. They’re not random.
These volcanic eruptions, in turn, cause layers of ash and dust which further cool the surface of the planet and lead to famine. Danish researchers have also found that increased cosmic rays trigger increased cloud formation, which intensifies the cooling trend and the failure of crops.
If only history-deniers would turn off Netflix and go outside occasionally, they’d see that indeed it’s been getting much cloudier in recent years. Even summer was miserable where we are.
The sudden collapse in agricultural production caused by these bouts of cooling is behind the periods of plague, war and collapse we see.
It’s all about the sun. This is mainstream science. It’s not controversial.
It’s also been known for a long time, but suppressed. In 1792, Robert B. Thomas figured out that counting the number of sunspots could predict the weather. This is because the sunspot count is a measure of solar output.
The Old Farmer’s Almanac in the US has been using this method since then, and it’s had an 80% success rate. That’s much better than the BOM.
It’s also something we should be paying keen attention to, because it turns out that the sun recently entered another period of collapsing energy output. The trend since the peak of the modern solar maximum in the early 1950s has been ever downward.
This is why we’re seeing natural disasters constantly. It’s why food production is cratering worldwide and prices are skyrocketing. It’s why the great powers are on the brink of nuclear war, and volcanoes are popping off all over the place.
This is the cycle of civilisational collapse, driven not by greedy Western capitalists mastering the alchemy of carbon fuels and teaching it to the rest of humanity, but by the sun.
No more climate guilt.
No more brainwashing kids that we’re evil because we drive cars.
No more propaganda pressuring us to sabotage our industrial capacity right as head into a collapse.
Our elites knew this was coming. They knew the historical pattern. They could have warned the public and created a culture of self-sufficiency and decentralised food and energy production.
Instead, they chose deception. They chose to create a climate cargo cult and use it to bring in a system of global tyranny.
Life is getting hard, and it’s only going to get a lot harder.
Embrace it. It’s the death of a corrupt society and the birth of something new.
Grow veggies. Stack beans. Lock and load.
And don’t forget who deceived us so as to enslave us.
Never forget.